
The “MLS” listing: $750 +2.5%, ½ of $750 due at time of listing and is non-refundable. This is where the seller is an “unrepresented party.” This is particularly advantageous to those whom have sold a home before. As the agent who lists the property, we will not advertise the property other than listing it on the MLS. The seller may advertise the property themselves and have their own open house in accordance with Kentucky Law (Ads must include the full name of the listing broker or brokerage). The initial listing will include an ANSI compliant Gross Living Area (GLA) sketch of the property showing room location, listing documents, legal description research (if necessary) and photos by the agent. If professional photos are requested, an additional fee will be required for this service or seller’s may contract their own photographer. Sellers will coordinate their own showings. The additional 2.5% is offered to the selling agent, which could be from the listing brokerage. An Unrepresented Party: From time to time in a real estate transaction, a party will not be represented by an agent, but will otherwise interact with a licensee. This party is known as an Unrepresented Party and a licensee owes an Unrepresented Party the duties of good faith and fair dealing. An Unrepresented Party is not a client or prospective client. If you elect to be an Unrepresented Party to a transaction, take the steps necessary to protect your best interests. If the other party is represented by an agent, you may be at a disadvantage in the transaction due to the skill and experience of that agent.
5% listing: This listing will include an ANSI compliant Gross Living Area (GLA) sketch of the property showing room location, listing documents, legal description research (if necessary) and photos by the agent. If professional photos are requested, an additional fee will be required for this service or seller’s may contract their own photographer. We utilize Facebook for digital advertising and your property will be “boosted” once a month for a period of 5 days, assuming the property has not already come under contract. We will not hold an open house for the 5% listing. The MLS filters your listing to hundreds of real estate websites on its own. As the listing agent, we have control over the initial listing via the local MLS.
6% listing: This includes all of the above 5% listing, except we will pay for photography services including drone photos should the property require them. We will also boost via Facebook twice monthly for periods of 5 days each assuming the property is not already under contract. We will hold up to 2 open houses and an agent open house (once COVID restrictions have been removed as we will not hold open houses during the current pandemic). We do not utilize newspaper ads except for open house advertising.
The variable rate $1,000,000 listing: 1%-3.5%. This is for the property that will sell for a minimum of $1,000,000. If we as the listing agent have both the buyer and seller, the commission is only 1%. If an agent from another brokerage sells the property, commission is 3.5% (1% listing, 2.5% seller). This is a limited service type listing. Properties in this price range have longer than typical DOM and limited buyers available.
Buyers Representation: As a National Association of Realtors ABR designee – Accredited Buyer’s Representative, you know you will have a skilled professional helping you find your next home. As a VA and FHA certified appraiser, we can help you identify many issues that might come up during a transaction, helping avoid any bottlenecks during the process.
Broker Price Opinion: This is different than a CMA (comparative market analysis) and is more akin to an appraisal. If you are doing an FSBO, and would like just an opinion of value, this is a good option. A residential appraisal might be an option as well. Call for pricing as each property could be unique.